Issue Ticket Logging

Contracted Hours of Support

Monday to Friday 8:00am to 6:00pm
(Tickets logged outside these times will be addressed on next business day)

To Log Support Tickets
1. Identify the problem: Take a few moments to note exactly what the issue is.

2. Gather information: Note any details that may be relevant to the problem, such as when it started occurring, any error messages, etc.

3. Contact IT support: Get in touch with the IT support team via phone, email, or online support ticket.

4. Describe the issue: Provide as much detail as possible when describing the issue.

5. Follow instructions: Follow any instructions given by the IT support team and provide any requested information or feedback.

6. Monitor progress: Monitor the progress of the issue and keep in contact with the IT support team

Contact Methods:
Email subject Line: Basic Outline of Issue
Message Body: Detailed Outline of issue Affected IT Component and user Business operations Impacted.

Telephone: 01-2960560 Select 1 for support
A Support ticket will be logged by our helpdesk Team.
A Ticket reference number will be supplied to you.
The Ticket will be assigned to the next available support Agent.
You will be contacted directly as the ticket owner.
Ticket Closure:
3 attempts will be made to contact the ticket owner over 7 days, If the IT receive a response or fail to contact the ticket owner the ticket will be automatically closed.
Ticket Escalations:
If you feel calls are not being dealt with in an adequate manner, please email
with the Ticket number in the subject line and your account manager and our escalation team will be notified.